Lexmark Castle
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Lexmark Castle: Released on October 19th, 2005 by "Drew"
This is a Deathmatch map which I made for both Unreal (using the 225f platform or newer) or Unreal Tournament. It is a large sized map with a medieval castle genre, which caters heavily to snipers, as well as being filled with lots of close-range combat areas.

Detailed Information (taken from the Readme):
--- General Information ---
Title :Lexmark Castle
Version :v1.00
Release Date :October 19th, 2005
Filename :DM-LexmarkCastle_UandUT.zip
Author(s) :Andrew "Drew" Ross
Email Address :andrewdross@hotmail.com
Web Page :none
Description :Deathmatch map for Unreal and Unreal Tournament
Other Levels by Author :Skaarj Castle (cooperative play), Skaarj Tower - Shadow and Fire (Single Player map series)
Additional Credits to :Jackal, who motivated me to make this map (without his influence, this map would not exist),
and Cardiologist, who helped me with my navigation network and other odds and ends.
--- Play Information ---
Game :Unreal or Unreal Tournament
Level Name :Lexmark Castle
Single Player :no
Cooperative :no
Deathmatch :yes
Botmatch :yes
Dark Match :no
Teamplay :no
Difficulty Settings :yes (only for bots)
New Sounds :no
New Music :no
New Textures :no
NewUnrealScript :no
External DLLs :no
Known bugs :None
Player Count :1-16 (Ideal Player Count = 16)
Other Notes :None
--- Construction For Unreal ---
Editor(s) used :UnrealEd Beta
Base :Unreal using 226f patch - Made a new level from the Lexmark Castle section of Skaarj Tower - Shadow
and Fire. I imported several brushes used in Skaarj Tower to make this map. After
the completion of the map, it was converted to 225f using Winged Unicorn's MC (Map Converter)
program, so as to allow it to function on platforms of Unreal from 225f and newer.
Construction Time :7 days (total for both projects)
--- Construction For Unreal Tournament ---
Editor(s) used :UnrealEd 2.0
Base :UnrealEd Beta using 226f patch - Made a new level from the Lexmark Castle section of Skaarj
Tower - Shadow and Fire. I imported several brushes used in Skaarj Tower to make this map. After
the completion of the map, it was rebuilt using UnrealEd 2.0 with the 436 patch so as to optimize
the map's performance for Unreal Tournament.
Construction Time :7 days (total for both projects)
--- Inventory For Unreal ---
Weapons :All
Supplies :Ammo, Bandages, Health, SuperHealth, Armor, ShieldBelt
--- Inventory For Unreal Tournament ---
Weapons :All
Supplies :Ammo, HealthVial, HealthBox, HealthPack, Armor2, UT_ShieldBelt
--- Installation For Unreal ---
Unzip DM-LexmarkCastle_UandUT.zip and place the following file into the following directory:
DM-LexmarkCastle_U.unr into your Unreal/Maps directory.

To play a Botmatch:
From the Unreal main menu (hit "ESC" key on start-up screen), select: Game, then select: Botmatch.
For the field that says "Select Game", select: Deathmatch.
For the field that says "Select Map", select: DM-LexmarkCastle.
For the field that says "configure Game", press enter, then select desired settings and adjust as needed.
Select "Start Game" from the field to begin.
--- Installation For Unreal Tournament ---
Unzip DM-LexmarkCastle_UandUT.zip and place the following files into the following directories:
DM-LexmarkCastle_UT.unr into your Unreal/Maps directory.
QueenSong.umx into your Unreal/Music directory.

To Play in Unreal Tournament:
From Menu Bar, select: Multiplayer, then select: Start New Multiplayer Game.
For the field that says "Category", select (use the drop down arrow, then choose): Unreal Tournament.
For the field that says "Game Type", select (use the drop down arrow, then choose): Tournament DeathMatch.
For the field that says "Map Name", select (use the drop down arrow, then choose): DM-LexmarkCastle.
Press the "Start" button to begin.
--- Extended Description ---
This is a large sized Deathmatch map with a medieval castle genre. This map caters heavily to snipers, as well as being
filled with lots of close-range combat areas.
--- Author's Notes ---
This is my first Deathmatch map (DM), so I am still learning about DM gameplay (I generally play using single player mode).
I did, however, "do my homework" before designing the map, so as to make the best map possible. I also used the input of
a few experience DM players to further improve on the maps design/gameplay.
--- Things Changed Since The Previous Version of Lexmark Castle ---
--- Credits ---
Again, I want to thank Jackal and Cardiologist for all their help.
--- Copyright / Permissions ---
Authors may NOT use this level as a base to build additional levels without explicit permission from the Original
Author. You are NOT allowed to commercially exploit this level, i.e. put it on a CD or any other electronic medium
that is sold for money without my explicit permission! You MAY distribute this level through any electronic
network (internet [web/ftp], FIDO, local BBS, etc.), provided you include this file and leave the archive intact.
UNREAL (c)1998 Epic Megagames, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Distributed by GT
Interactive Software, Inc. under license. UNREAL and the UNREAL logo are registered
trademarks of Epic Megagames, Inc. All other trademarks and trade names are
properties of their respective owners.
UNREAL TOURNAMENT (c)1999 Epic Megagames, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Distributed by
GT Interactive Software, Inc. under license. UNREAL TOURNAMENT and the UNREAL
TOURNAMENT logo are registered trademarks of Epic Megagames, Inc. All other
trademarks and trade names are properties of their respective owners.

E-mail me if you have any Questions or Comments